The Trade Pack System in Ravendawn Online: A Merchant’s Journey

Greetings, fellow adventurers! With the highly anticipated launch of Ravendawn Online just around the corner, it’s time to delve into one of the game’s crucial systems – the Trade Pack System. In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of trade packs, the backbone of the game’s economy. From creation to transportation and the risks involved, we’ll guide you through the exciting world of trade in Ravendawn Online.

Understanding Trade Packs

In the vast world of Ravendawn, players can craft trade packs, which are essentially packages filled with various materials. These packs can be created using a diverse range of materials or trade pack certificates obtained through quests or supply packs. The significance of trade packs lies in their role in the game’s economy. Players can trade them at designated Trade Posts for Ravendawn silver and rare resources. The value of these trade packs fluctuates based on the supply and demand dynamics within the game, making strategic decision-making crucial for maximizing profits.

Transporting Trade Packs

The process of transporting trade packs involves moving them from one point to another – specifically, from one Trade Post to another. Ravendawn’s expansive world features multiple Trade Posts, and players must carefully choose the destination based on the demand for the specific trade pack they possess. However, the journey is not as simple as it may seem.

Land vs. Sea: A Strategic Choice

One of the critical decisions players must make is how to transport their trade packs – whether by land or by sea. Each option comes with its own set of challenges and risks. Sea routes, for instance, are almost entirely open to PvP, meaning that players may encounter AI, pirates, or other opportunistic players ready to attack and claim the trade pack for themselves. Navigating the open sea requires vigilance and strategic planning to avoid potential threats.

On land, players also need to be cautious of their chosen path. PvP zones present the risk of being ambushed, or “ganked,” by other players. Therefore, careful consideration of the route and timing is essential to ensure a safe journey and successful trade pack delivery.

Choosing the Right Transportation

The mode of transportation plays a pivotal role in the trade pack system. Players can utilize mounts, wagons, or ships, each with its own set of advantages and considerations.

  1. Mounts: Mounts come with different stats, such as strength and speed. A higher strength and speed rating enables faster travel, reducing the risk of encounters with hostile entities. Additionally, mounts come in various rarities, with rarer mounts having a higher breeding skill that increases the chances of acquiring a faster and stronger companion.
  2. Wagons: Wagons are essential for land-based trade pack transportation. They come in different tiers, indicating their health, weight capacity, and the number of trade packs they can carry. Choosing a wagon with higher capacity allows players to maximize their profits by transporting more trade packs in a single trip.
  3. Ships: When opting for sea routes, players can use ships, which also come with varied stats, including speed, health, weight, and trade pack capacity. Similar to wagons, selecting the right ship is crucial for a successful and lucrative trade.

Strategic Decision-Making

Successful trade in Ravendawn Online requires more than just crafting and transporting trade packs. Players must stay informed about the current market demand, choose the right trade pack, and carefully plan their transportation method to minimize risks and maximize profits. The dynamic nature of the in-game economy keeps players on their toes, fostering a sense of excitement and strategic thinking.


In conclusion, the trade pack system in Ravendawn Online adds a layer of depth and excitement to the gameplay experience. Aspiring merchants must navigate the open seas and treacherous lands, making strategic decisions at every turn to ensure the safe and profitable delivery of their trade packs. With the launch of the game imminent, prospective players can look forward to immersing themselves in the thrilling world of trade and commerce within the expansive realm of Ravendawn. Get ready to embark on a merchant’s journey like never before!

Lillie Martinez

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